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AP63801AB 1999 Ford 7.3L Powerstroke and T444E Injector (Pre 12/7/98) AB Code

AP63801AB 1999 Ford 7.3L Powerstroke and T444E Injector (Pre 12/7/98) AB Code
Part Number: AP63801AB
Web Part Number: AP63801AB
Manufacturer: Alliant Power
Product Year: 1999
These are new OE HEUI injectors-not aftermarket will fits or rebuilds. They are the same as what originally was installed in the engine when the vehicle came off the assembly line. These injectors can be identified by the AB code on the injector solenoid. Alliant Power is the exclusive supplier of brand-new HEUI injectors. CORE CHARGE: You will be charged a core charge at the time of purchase. However, a core charge of $100.00/injector will be refunded to your credit card account when the core is returned within 30 days. This is a prime (split shot) injector fitting engines built beofre 12/07/1998. Models include 1999 F-Series, 1997-1999 F Series (California) and 1997-1998 E Series. This injector also fits the 1997-1999 T444E with ESN 460,195-843,989.