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Part Number: EZOF10-16
Web Part Number: EZOF10-16
Manufacturer: E-Zoil
Product Year: 0
D-Gel by E-Zoil is your emergency cold weather performance additive. D-Gel is the best emergency diesel fuel flow performance additive, D-Gel reliquifies gelled diesel fuel to get you running again. D-Gel religuifies gelled fuel, reliquifies iced fuel, deices iced fuel filters, improves cold flow and helps remove water. If your engine is not running remove or replace the fuel filter. Add 16 ounces to the fuel filter. Add 16 ounces to every 50 gallons of fuel. Do not start your engine for 20-30 minutes to allow D-Gel to work. If your engine is running but there is no power or very little power add 16 ounces to each 50 gallons of fuel and let engine continue to idle for 15 minutes before driving. For best results add additive before filling tank. E-Zoil performance additives are formulated for today's Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel. They meet all emission standards and provide added protection for your valuable diesel-powered equipment. Please note - the price indicated is for one 16oz bottle. If you would like a case please order 24 bottles (as there are 24 bottles per case). Please call our parts department at 507-288-8038 with any questions.